On the 6th February 2018, IbnSina Mindcrafters ran its curriculum for first time outside of the state of New Mexico in collaboration the North Austin Muslim Community Center (NAMCC) and the Renaissance Academy(RA), both in Austin. Their journey started on 7th January 2018 where 6 instructors from the two organizations (NAMMCC and RA) received onsite training. The NAMCC/RA robotics curriculum held one class a week for 12 weeks, the first 7 weeks were dedicated to building the EV3rstorm robot and the final 5 weeks for the Robo-Olympics challenge.
22 children attend the first class and for the taught portion of the curriculum (7 weeks) the minimum attendance was 20 students. These young minds were supported by four full time instructors and four part time instructors, they were:
Before the challenge portion began a few students decided to drop out but 16 students did remain and they were organized into teams of four, with one full time instructor assigned to each team. The video below provides some highlights of curriculum.
The instructors at NAMCC are planning on running the curriculum again in October 2019.